wally yoga

Abby performing upward salute yoga pose in front of mountain range

Yoga for All

Yoga is a practice that goes far beyond ‘poses’ - a practice that can benefit any and all people. It is a deeply ancient practice, originating in India. The word ‘yoga’ derives from a sanskrit word meaning ‘to unite’ or ‘to yoke’. The shapes we create with our body into during our yoga practice are second to the quality of the experience we cultivate as we move. This is true whether we practice a balancing pose demanding our maximum range of motion or we sit in a chair practicing ‘savasana’ - total stillness in body and mind. We certainly foster physical wellness by practicing yoga, but the true goal of yoga goes beyond the physical.

It is my sincere wish that, moving together, we will engender union of our body, mind, and spirit. And we will have fun doing it - even if it sometimes challenges us deeply!

My goals as a yoga instructor are:

-Lead yoga practices that are nourishing and foster ‘union’ and ‘yoking’ - whether the practice is vigorous and active, or subtle and meditative

-Offer yoga practices that are accessible to all people regardless of physical, mental, or social background

-Respect the roots of yoga as a practice originating in India and in Indian culture.

-Respect the roots of yoga as a spiritual practice, even as my instruction focuses on physical aspects of the practice.

-Commit to deepening my knowledge of the vast science of yoga, seeking out teachers who respect the roots of yoga, so I can continuously improve my offerings to you.

Class Schedule:

Wednesdays @ 11 am EST, 45 Minute session

Saturdays @ 1pm EST, 45 Minute session

Click here to book

Pricing: Wally Yoga classes function on a sliding scale model of pricing in the spirit of expanding access.

The sliding scale system is based on trust. I trust you to be honest in your assessment of your economic reality and your valuation of my time and dedication as a teacher.

Sacrifice vs. Hardship: If paying for a class is difficult, but not detrimental, it qualifies as a sacrifice. You might have to cut back on other voluntary spending - such as going out to dinner, buying coffee, or a new outfit - but this will not have a long term harmful impact on your life. If, however, paying for a class would lead to a harmful impact on your life, such as not being able to put food on the table, pay rent, or pay for your transportation to get to work, then you are dealing with hardship. If paying for a Wally Yoga class represents little to no sacrifice for you, please pay the suggested class price on the sliding scale. If paying for a Wally Yoga class would cause you financial hardship, please pay less on the scale.

Please especially consider paying less on the sliding scale if you:
-have significant debt
-have medical expenses not covered by insurance
-receive public assistance
-have immigration-related expenses
-are an elder with limited financial support
-are an unpaid community organizer
-are denied work due to incarceration history

Click below for sliding scale description references:

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